The nanosats of the BRITE space mission reveal the origins of fundamental structures in the wind of the supergiant star Zeta Puppis

A Canadian-led international team of astronomers recently discovered for the first time observational evidence in how some features at the surface of the hot massive supergiant star Zeta Puppis induce the formation of fundamental structures in its wind…. Read More
The image entitled Flamboyant Galaxy wins the public award for the 2017 edition of the Acfas “La preuve par l’image” competition.

An unprecedented image of the Perseus galaxy cluster submitted by Julie Hlavacek-Larrondo and Marie-Lou Gendron-Marsolais, both researcher at the Université de Montréal and the Center for Research in Astrophysics of Quebec, and by the scientific communicator Maxime Pivin… Read More
New faculty position in astrophysics at Université de Montréal

The Department of Physics is seeking applications for a full-time tenure-track position at the rank of Assistant Professor in astrophysics. The appointed candidate will be expected to teach at all three levels of the curriculum, supervise graduate students,… Read More
Great success for the eclipse observation at Université de Montréal!

iREx and CRAQ astronomers and students welcomed nearly 1,000 people at UdeM to observe the great North American solar eclipse of 21 August. Members of the academic community as well as the general public gathered on the Louis-Colin… Read More
Three CRAQ researchers landed an important FRQNT Team research project grant to study black holes

An inter-university team, led by Professor Julie Hlvacek-Larrondo, from Université de Montréal, and Professors Daryl Haggard and Tracy Webb, from McGill University, successfully landed an important FRQNT Team research project grant to study black holes. The “Montréal Black… Read More
Scientists Solve the Mystery of Blinking Brown Dwarfs

Dim objects called brown dwarfs, less massive than the Sun but more massive than Jupiter, have powerful winds and clouds — specifically, hot patchy clouds made of iron droplets and silicate dust. Scientists recently realized these giant clouds… Read More
The CRAQ welcomes two new professors

The Center for Research in Astrophysics of Quebec (CRAQ) welcomes two new professors in astrophysics. Björn Benneke has joined the Université de Montréal’s astrophysics group in June while Jason Rowe joined the group at Bishop’s University in July…. Read More
CRAQ and CFHT share the stars at the Eureka Festival!

The Center for Research in Astrophysics of Quebec (CRAQ) and the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Corporation (CFHT), were present at the 2017 Eureka Festical! Enthusiastic CRAQ students took part in this 11th edition of the festival which took place in… Read More
Paul Charbonneau, professor at UdeM and CRAQ researcher, publishes an introductory work on the modeling of complex system

NATURAL COMPLEXITY: A Modeling Handbook, by Paul Charbonneau, provides a short, hands-on introduction to the science of complexity using simple computational models of natural complex systems—with models and exercises drawn from physics, chemistry, geology, and biology. By working… Read More
CRAQ’s researchers used the VLA to get new insight into galaxy cluster’s spectacular “mini-halo”

An international team of astronomers, led by Professor Julie Hlavacek-Larrondo and her PhD student Marie-Lou Gendron-Marsolais, both from the Center for Research in Astrophysics of Quebec (CRAQ) and Université de Montréal, used the National Science Foundation’s Karl G…. Read More