What we have learned from 3D hydrodynamical simulations of common envelope evolution

Luke Chamandy

University of Rochester

The common envelope (CE) phase is a brief event in the life of some binary star systems that is crucial for explaining the origin of certain objects, including short-period binaries, many planetary nebulae, some types of supernovae, and probably most compact object coalescences detected through gravitational waves. I will summarize some of the recent highlights from 3D hydro simulations of CE evolution that use the adaptive mesh refinement code AstroBEAR. While simulating the full CE phase is not yet within our grasp, extrapolation shows that its typical duration may be of order 10 years or less. This is fast, but slower than simple estimates that make use of the classical Bondi-Hoyle-Lyttleton drag formalism, and I will suggest an explanation for why this is the case. I will also discuss the roles played in CE evolution by extra physical effects like ionization and recombination, as well as companion accretion and jet feedback.

Date: Jeudi, le 1 juin 2023
Heure: 11:30
Lieu: Pour tous
  Campus MIL, Salle B-2416