Star cluster evolution: from young massive star clusters to old globulars

Richard de Grijs

University of Sheffield (UK) and Kavli Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics (China)

We review the long-term survival chances of young massive star clusters, hallmarks of intense starburst episodes often associated with violent galaxy interactions. In particular, we address the key question as to whether at least some of these young massive clusters can be considered proto-globular clusters. In the absence of significant external perturbations, the key factor determining a cluster's long-term survival chances is the shape of its stellar initial mass function. We conclude that there is an increasing body of evidence that globular cluster formation appears to be continuing until today; their long-term evolution crucially depends on their environmental conditions, however.

Date: Tuesday, 19 January 2010
Time: 14:00
Where: Université Laval
  Pavillon Alexandre-Vachon, local 1659
Contact: Sylvie Beaulieu